Thursday, August 23, 2012

God is Working!

Many of you have asked about the children's safety regarding Hurricane Isaac.  Thankfully, the children and staff have the shipping crates, so they will be well protected.  The problem lies with all of the rain that is expected in Haiti on Friday.  Without a drainage system, a lot of rainfall quickly produces flooding which is a breeding ground for water born diseases and causes damage to poorly constructed homes.  In addition, land slides could be a threat due to the deforestation of mountains.   Please pray that the storm will lessen in severity overnight so that the amount of rainfall will not be as predicted.

In the last post I mentioned a seminary student in Jacmel named Nicolas.  Charley related this story to us earlier this week from Doug Moyer.  Doug and John Turnbull are overseeing things in Jacmel while Charley is in Montgomery with Martie.  Charley added words in brackets.

Charley,  hope your day was good. first things first. Nicolas [my Haitian assistant] received a call in the middle of the afternoon,  a man [Wilfred] was " sick from evil".  been to all the sorts of doctors.  He wanted to receive Jesus. We drove about 10 minutes away, then walked down those narrow walkways between houses crowded  on the hill, into a small room in the front of a small house. Put hands on him and explained the Gospel to him.  He prayed to believe in Jesus.  We declared [in] Jesus Name to remove any spirits of evil and darkness.  There was rejoicing in heaven.   We went back. [to the new site] Nicolas went to meet John [at the sewing center].  He [Nicolas] heard the Holy Spirit say to call Wilfred.  Nicolas said to him, there's something else-- he had removed a voodoo sort of picture of Jesus from the wall behind me when we came in--.  Interestingly, I was praying for him at close to same time [Nicolas was speaking to Wilfred] for deliverance also.   Wilfred said ‘no, no I have thrown everything out or flushed it down the toilet.  I want to keep my eyes only on Jesus.’  That had been part of the encouragement to him when we left.  We will visit him on Sunday and worship and pray and open the Word.  Pray to get him into a good church.   The Holy Spirit is in his house now.        God is good.   

Here is another great story of how God is working through CH.  A lady showed up at church recently wanting to know how to make a donation to CH.  Alissa Irvin met with her and learned that she saw Andy share about CH a few months ago and how we were raising money for permanent housing.  She was touched by Andy's words as well as Doug Rogers' video.  The Holy Spirit continued to prompt her to give financially to CH, so she began to save.  She gave Alissa a check for $1,000!!!!  How humbling to know that God is working in the lives of His children to help care for the fatherless.

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