Dow and Pastor Barry Wilkinson (Andalusia)

Andy, Samuel, and Dow

Dow playing with some of the 16 children

Samuel handing out raisins - a big treat
In the area of foster care, our luggage drive was a huge success! Kim Beam and I delivered around 150 pieces of luggage to Montgomery County DHR. They were very grateful and quite overwhelmed with our donation. We continue to seek families who are interested in becoming foster parents.
Kathy Cooper, Minister to Singles at FBC, is a strong supporter of our ministry and returned from an orphanage in Moldova with 100X Missions and Philip Cameron Ministries. Kathy will lead a mission trip back to this area in June of 2011. It was through Kathy that we learned that Philip Cameron Ministries (home office in Ramer) was collected coats, gloves, etc. to ship to Moldova on Dec. We quickly went to work and delivered a van full of items to Ramer the week of Thanksgiving.
Andy returned to Haiti in October and our son, Dow, was able to travel with him. They found the 16 children doing very well. They were pleased to see the home furnished with beds, a refrigerator, a table and chairs, and other household items. They were able to spend time playing with the children and making Christmas ornaments. During this trip, funds were provided to get the children enrolled in school, purchase uniforms, and hire extra help with household chores. Women from the children's church will be hired to help out. The pastor from their church is Pastor Paul and he leads the other Baptist pastors in the area. He works closely with Florida and Alabama Baptist, and mentors Samuel in the care of the children.

Children in front of their freshly painted
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