Even before Children's Hope was launched in September, we had been talking with folks from the AL Baptist Children's Home about extending to the Mtg. area, so FBC members could be foster parents through their ministry. It has taken awhile, but FBC is officially partnering with them, and they will conduct foster care training (GPS) beginning on Tuesday, February 1st from 6 - 9 pm. This training will run for 10 weeks. We have a great group of FBC members who have signed up for this training, but there is room for more. If you are interested or know someone who is interested, please let me know.
A couple of weeks ago, I shared a request from Montgomery County DHR for pack-n-plays or baby beds. They had an unusual week in that they needed to provide for four babies. Well, you all came through and we were able to fulfill this need, so thank you. If any of you have baby beds or pack-n-plays that are not being used and you want to donate them, please let me know.
This is an ongoing need with DHR.
I want to share with you another way that the Lord uses His children to meet the needs of the least of these. Andy and I were recently informed about a member of our church, Mary Green, who has been given temporary custody of her granddaughter, Shaday. Shaday's mother tested positive for drugs when she gave birth and her father is deceased. Shaday was a preemie weighing only a little over four pounds and now at 2 months, she is over seven pounds.
Mrs. Green has been bringing Shaday to her Sunday School class at FBC and shared that she needed some legal assistance with Shaday's hearing, because she wants permanent custody of her granddaughter. About two weeks ago, I was informed that a new member of our church wanted to get involved in Children's Hope, so I set up a time to meet with Jessica Pitts. Jessica shared with me that she had experience as a Guardian ad litem and had a strong interest in using this to help others. And there you go! Jessica plans to represent Mrs. Green at her hearing in April regarding custody of Shaday. God is so faithful! Mrs. Green could also use some help with used baby clothes if anyone has some to donate. She is in 0 -6 mos. currently.
Diapers are always an expensive need as well.
Finally, an update on our 16 children in Haiti. Below you will find two pictures that Samuel , their caregiver sent us. One is of the children sitting around their table eating rice and the other is of the children all ready for school. Andy, Dow, and Beth planned to make a trip in December to visit them and take Christmas present. However, Port au Prince has been filled with violence since the election at the end of November. The airport was closed recently stranding mission teams. We have been advised to hold off until January.
John and Jeannette Bush recently highlighted the need of the 16 children to have a nutritional supplement since their diets only consist of beans and rice. The Poundstone Sunday School class agreed to provide the financing for this supplement. This should result in healthier children who hopefully, will have a greater resistance to disease. Many thanks go out to the Poundstone class for their very generous donation.