Tommy and Joy made it safely back to Montgomery this week. Tommy had eye surgery on Wednesday to remove scar tissue from when he had a detached retina. The surgery went well and now he is concentrating on recovery and will be in Montgomery until January 2. Thanks to everyone who helped welcome them home by providing gas cards, getting the mission house ready, sharing your vehicle, decorating a Christmas tree for them or providing food!
Martie and Charley will be returning later this month. The week before Martie left for Haiti, their daughter, Amanda, had a biopsy taken from a lump in her breast. It came back malignant! However, when Amanda went in to discuss further treatment options with her doctors, she was told that she was in the clear. They had gotten all of it when they did the biopsy and she would not even need follow up treatment and to come back to see them in April! Now, that is a good Christmas present and we rejoice in the Great Physician and what He has done!
Below are some pictures of the progress that is being made at Children's Hope. We are beyond excited and it looks like the children, staff and the Elgins will be moving on sight in late Jan. or early Feb. Woohoo!
Below are pictures of Pastor Barjon who pastors a small church about 90 minutes outside of Jacmel in a very rural area. Martie and Charley delivered some school books and some of the first uniforms for the children. The folks in this area are extremely poor, so the uniforms are probably the first new clothes these children have ever had. They are also in need of more to eat since many of them have bloated bellies and are sluggish. As soon as Pastor Barjon and his church members complete the kitchen at the school, all of the children will be provided a good, hot lunch everyday! It is such a blessing to be able to do this and God has made this possible through many people.
Pastor Barjon, Martie and Charley |
The school/church |
Three of the children with new uniforms! |