As many of you know, God has grown Children's Hope beyond our imaginations! Ephesians 3:20 quickly comes to mind. As we look at expanding the capacity for the number of children in Jacmel and the continued interest in mission teams going down, it is very obvious that each of these areas will need a full-time couple to direct them. Therefore, Tommy and Joy will be working full-time in hosting mission teams and Martie and Charley Elgin will direct the children's home. The plan is to have their (Martie and Charley) home completed by the end of summer which will allow them to move out of the Alabama House to Children's Hope. We also plan to have two of the homes for children completed which include Cole's House and Shelby's House.
Our partnership with the AL State Board of Mission will end Dec. 31 of this year, but they have the Alabama House rented through June 1, 2013. Tommy and Joy will remain at the AH until June 2013 and then move on site to Children's Hope and host mission teams there. Children's Hope will facilitate mission teams from other AL churches beginning Jan. 1, 2013 as well as those from our own church.
Children's Hope went to Jacmel to provide a home for 16 children, but the Lord has clearly opened doors for us to partner with a medical clinic, church schools, pastors, and other ministries. God has used the many mission teams that have traveled down to open these doors and to keep them open. We want to continue this work through the mission teams. By the way, we are so grateful to all of the teams that have served in Jacmel since the earthquake, especially those that ministered to our children and local churches. We are also deeply appreciative of the AL State Board of Mission for helping Children's Hope get established in Jacmel. Mel Johnson, Reggie Quimby, Scotty Goldman, Barbara Owen and others have all been such a blessing. We are constantly amazed at how God uses His children to work together - how He brings people from all different backgrounds and skills to achieve His purpose.
I would like to thank all of you signed up to provide meals for Brad and Kelley Phelps and their girls. Things are going well with their foster child but they will always need your prayers and support, because foster parenting is never easy!
Many of you have asked about Trent and Heather Beck and their daughter, Sellenn. They are doing well but still adjusting. It usually takes a good 6 months to a year to adjust so keep those prayers coming! I have included some pictures below:
What kid doesn't like playing with water! |
Sellenn with her dad |
Sellenn with mom, Heather |
Sellenn and Heather at the zoo |