Trent and Heather Beck first met their daughter, Sellenn Rose, in November 2011 in an orphanage in Bulgaria. They were able to spend several days with her but due to Bulgarian adoption law, they had to leave her behind with plans to return to Bulgaria in 3 - 4 months to bring her home. They have been waiting with much anticipation for this second trip to Bulgaria and they will leave this Friday, April 20th and get Sellenn Rose on April 22nd! They are excited beyond words, because they will finally bring home this precious child that God chose just for them. They have been praying for her, her caregivers, bonding and attachment issues, the language barrier, and on and on, but they know that without a doubt that God has called them to adopt Sellenn Rose. They will be her family regardless of issues and challenges they may face. Sellenn Rose will go from being a family of one to being part of a family that includes not only parents but grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and a church family. Once again, it reminds me of how God adopted me into His family. Please be praying for the Becks as they make this trip and all of the changes they face and that Sellenn Rose would feel a sense of trust and security with them.
Trent and Heather with Sellenn Rose in Bulgaria, Nov. 2011 |

As many of you know Charley Elgin returned to Montgomery to be with Martie during her hip replacement surgery and recovery. Charley has an extraordinary friend in California, John Turnbull. He emailed Charley without being aware of Martie's surgery and said he was "homesick for Haiti" and when could he come back. Charley saw this as God's provision for him to be home with Martie but yet the work on Children's Hope in Jacmel could continue. John agreed to go to Jacmel a few days before Charley left for the States to get up to speed on what needed to be done. He agreed to stay around a month in Charley's absence. He has done a tremendous job and we are so grateful to him and our Lord for providing just the right person at just the right time. John also found time to complete a request of mine in building the puppet theater above. This will provide a fun way for mission to teams to share Bible stories with the kids and hopefully, the kids will be putting on stories for other kids in Jacmel. Thanks John for being alert to the Holy Spirit's prompting and being obedient. You are a blessing!

Tommy returned to Jacmel last Friday after being in Decatur and Montgomery for a week. Joy is in Florida waiting on their second grandchild to be born. In January of this year, Joy and Tommy started a tradition with the kids. Whenever one of the children have a birthday, they celebrate by eating cupcakes.
Tommy made these cupcakes for Lovenson and Elida's special day. Thanks Tommy for all the many hats you wear with Children's Hope!